Saturday, February 2, 2013

Quick to judge

I can usually catch myself doing this. It has nothing to do with who I am as a person but it does have something to do with how we were shown how to act by our parents and those people who meant things to us in our past.

Even being quick to react is bad. I found myself being bothered by someone this week and its not a new thing. Its been a few months coming and when I heard I may not have to be bothered by this person anymore it seems like every move they make is an irritation. Someone came to me and showed real concern about my feelings so I unloaded and didn't even think about where we were or what was happening but all of what had been happening just fell out of my mouth.....

Looking back it may not have been a good idea to do it where I was doing it but it wasn't a bad idea to let those feelings go.

Ugh, oh well.....

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